Set in the aftermath of its award-winning predecessor, Sniper Elite 4 transports players across the beautiful Italian peninsula, from sun-drenched Mediterranean coastal towns, to ancient forests, mountain valleys and colossal Nazi megastructures.Ĭovert agent and elite marksman Karl Fairburne must fight alongside the brave men and women of the Italian Resistance and defeat a terrifying new threat with the potential to halt the Allied fightback in Europe before it’s even begun.Įncounter hours of gripping gameplay in huge campaign levels with hundreds of enemies, vehicles and high-ranking Nazi officers to hunt. Experience tactical third-person combat, gameplay choice and epic longshots across gigantic levels as you liberate wartime Italy from the grip of Fascism. **The Sniper Elite 4 Digital Deluxe Edition includes the full game & Season Pass at a great saving!**ĭiscover unrivalled sniping freedom in the largest and most advanced World War 2 shooter ever built.